We are officially less than 6 weeks away from our due date, and it is surreal that we will actually have a baby boy joining our family that soon. This month, we had a baby shower, made lots of progress in the nursery, attended expectant parent classes, and did lots more things that I will be sharing below!
31 Weeks- 34 Weeks
Due Date: December 25, 2018
Baby is the size of a: butternut squash- 17.7 inches, 4.63 pounds (34 weeks), celery (33 weeks), squash (32 weeks), asparagus (31 weeks)- all of this info came from The Bump app
Total weight gain: I have officially stopped looking at the number on the scale when I get weighed. I know that I have gained at least 30 lbs. I also know that I’m growing a little human in me, and it’s normal to gain a lot of weight. But whoa- seeing that number on the scale is shocking. I would try to not eat or drink a lot before my appointments because that number was freaking me out, and that was not good because it would make my blood pressure low. So I am just doing my best to stay healthy and hydrated, and I can worry about my weight later on. The doctor told me yesterday everything looks great and to keep doing what I’m doing, so I’m going to keep doing what I can to be healthy. And also keep not looking at the number on the scale. :)
The bump: I feel like it is growing by the second. I was asked for the first time ever by a stranger about being pregnant- the sweet cashier at Trader Joe’s asked me how many months I had left.
Symptoms: My feet hurt for days after I wore block heels to a wedding. I will not be wearing heels from here on out! My back hurts from time to time, but a heating pad helps so much with that. I also feel like I pulled my right leg out of socket, but my doctor said I did not- that’s just my body preparing for having a baby. Sleeping is hit or miss. Wanting to organize/prepare like crazy for baby. Walking like a slow poke. Nothing too crazy overall. I am just so grateful for this gift of pregnancy!
Food cravings: all the sweets & fruit
Food aversions: They are completely gone!
Sleep: I either sleep like a rock, or I’m wide awake and cannot go back to sleep for hours and hours. Once I wake up, my mind has 4 million thoughts going on, and I can’t go back to sleep.
What I miss: getting up off the sofa or bed without a groan; wearing my wedding ring; comfortably bending over to paint my toenails, putting my shoes and socks on, and shaving my legs. I have listed these last things in 2 previous bumpdates, but they are on a whole new level now. I despise pedicures, and I had to go to a nail salon to get my toes done because it is not possible to paint them myself anymore.
Movement: Lots of movement is happening! Parker finally felt it at 33 weeks! Although he didn’t believe it was the baby and said it was just me moving my stomach. Fortunately, it happened a second time and he felt it again, right after the first time, so I think he may actually believe it was the baby.
Maternity clothes: these Zella maternity leggings (they’re finally back in stock!!!), these maternity jeans, and these maternity jeans. I also ordered this maternity/nursing bra and this one too. Those are the only maternity things I’ve bought so far. I have bought a few new dresses, tops, and sweaters, but they are all nonmaternity- I’ve just sized up to fit the bump. I did buy a couple new things this month that have been really helpful though, like these Spanx knockoffs for under $10 (I sized up to an XL because I’m not trying to suffocate my stomach). I also bought these pajama pants (for under $8!) in a size large because who wants tight pjs? Not me.
What we are most looking forward to: our parents coming up to visit for Thanksgiving!!! and our last expectant parents class this Saturday because we are ready to get to sleep in on Saturdays again before this baby gets here! :) and last but certainly not least- our next ultrasound at 37 weeks!
Apps I've used: Ovia Pregnancy, The Bump, & Babylist
Products I've been loving (same things I’ve been using):
*this cocoa butter lotion for stretch marks (I have never liked lotion, and I’ve only ever worn face moisturizer my whole life. This stuff has no smell and dries quickly. Best lotion ever, even for a non lotion lover.)
*my Snoogle pregnancy pillow (helps so much with my back when I’m trying to sleep)
* a heating pad (also for my back)
*Nexium to prevent nausea
*Books: What to Expect When You're Expecting, The Nanny Connie Way, What to Expect the First Year, Moms on Call, Dr. Spock’s Baby and Child Care
Purchases for baby: I have a page on my blog under Shop My Favorites called Favorite Baby Items, and that is where I’m sharing the things we have purchased and received so far for our baby! We are now buying last minute things to finish up the nursery and get ready for our baby boy’s arrival!
Weekly Fun
Week 31- Parker put together our crib, so we officially have one piece of baby furniture assembled! Our glider came in too, but our shower is this weekend, so Parker will have to put together the glider and changing table the following weekend (he says those are weekend jobs). My sister and 4 best friends (one not pictured) threw me the most perfect baby shower! You can click here to read all about it if you haven’t already.
My Dress, in another color with more sizes available | Shoes
Week 32- This was a busy week- Bailey’s birthday, my mom’s birthday, Parker’s birthday, a doctor’s appointment, my first class at the hospital, and a friend’s wedding. It was a very fast doctor’s appointment. My doctor said they’re supposed to be at this point- they’re really just monitoring growth and movement. Baby’s growing and moving, so it was a successful appointment! My class was a breastfeeding class, and I learned a lot. I feel like there are so many basics I’m still learning, like a baby is supposed to eat 8-12 times a day… whoa! This was also a big week because we finally got a lot done in the baby’s room. Parker put together the changing table, and I washed alllllll of the clothes, swaddles, towels, blankets, and baby things. So I was finally able to get a lot of organizing done!
Dress details- I actually got my dress several years ago. It was a $297 Trina Turk dress on sale for $63. It was a couple sizes too big, but I decided to snag it anyway for that price and get it altered. Well, I fortunately never got it altered, and it ended up fitting perfectly at 32 weeks pregnant!
Week 33- After the craziness of last week, I tried to take it easier this week. I didn’t have a doctor’s appointment, so I was able to get lots of blog-related things done, catch up on thank you notes, and continue organizing the baby’s room. I’m finally starting to feel like it’s getting there! We also went to an Expecting Parents class over the weekend. Parker was not thrilled about going because it took place on gameday from 9-12 in Memphis, but he did say that he learned new things. And we won a pack of diapers because Parker was the biggest baby in the room. They also told us that the dad’s size is a good indicator of what the baby’s size will be, so there’s that. And then we ate lunch at PF Changs after the class, so that was fun.
Week 34- I had a doctor’s appointment yesterday. It was another fast one. Got to hear the baby’s heartbeat and chat with our doctor who we love so much. He said everything looks perfect! He also gave us the name of a pediatrician who he went to school with and highly recommends. The best part- the pediatrician works in Southaven, so that will be much more convenient than having to make the 30+ minute drive to Memphis. He also wrote me a prescription for a Willow wearable breast pump, so I will work on ordering that today. Not many other things to report just yet because I’m only 34 weeks and 2 days, but we will be attending another expecting parents class this Saturday from 9-5. It’s our last one, and someone from the class last week mentioned that it is the most graphic. Yikes.
Other Baby-Related Blog Posts:
Baby Goodman Coming Christmas 2018!
Thanks so much for reading!! Have a wonderful day!