There used to be times when people would (so kindly) say oh, I can’t even tell you’re pregnant! That is most definitely nowhere close to the case anymore. I hit 30 weeks on Tuesday, and I cannot believe that we now have less than 10 weeks to go! We are so grateful for this little baby and cannot wait to meet him in a couple of months!
26 Weeks- 30 Weeks
Due Date: December 25, 2018
Baby is the size of a: zucchini- 15.7 inches, 2.89 pounds (30 weeks), pineapple (29 weeks), eggplant (28 weeks), lettuce (27 weeks), kale (26 weeks)- all of this info came from The Bump app
Total weight gain: 26 lbs since before baby. WHOA. Can I blame that on the fact that I can no longer wear lightweight Lilly dresses to appointments when I get weighed? The extra clothing I have on has to contribute to some of that weight, right? My doctor told me yesterday that the baby and I are both right on track. I’ll stick with that positive commentary instead of sharing my actual thoughts on this matter.
The bump: It is without a doubt there now and shows even when I am wearing my loose fitting sweatshirts and t-shirts.
Symptoms: No more nausea since week 20! My back has hurt badly, but a heating pad has definitely helped with that. Super vivid dreams. Wanting to organize/prepare like crazy for baby. Not being able to walk as quickly as I used to. Splotchiness on my face. Nothing too crazy overall. I am just so grateful for this gift of pregnancy!
Food cravings: all the sweets & Taziki’s
Food aversions: Most aversions are completely gone! The thought of eating grilled fish still grosses me out, but I had a couple bites of Parker’s seafood gumbo at Jason’s Deli, so I’m excited to be able to eat some seafood now!
Sleep: Great until I wake up. Once I wake up, my mind has 4 million thoughts going on, and I can’t go back to sleep.
What I miss: comfortably bending over to paint my toenails, putting my shoes on, and shaving my legs. These were the things I listed last month, and these are still the same things that I miss. I despise pedicures, but painting my toenails has become next to impossible, so I think I’m going to have to go to a nail salon soon.
Movement: Lots of movement is happening! Until I tell Parker to look, and then the baby immediately stops any movement every. single. time.
Maternity clothes: these Zella maternity leggings, these maternity jeans, and these maternity jeans. Those are the only maternity things I’ve bought so far. I have bought a few new dresses, tops, and sweaters, but they are all nonmaternity- I’ve just sized up to fit the bump.
What we are most looking forward to: our baby shower and seeing my family and friends for the first time in forever!!!!!
Apps I've used: Ovia Pregnancy & The Bump
Products I've been loving: I just bought this cocoa butter lotion for stretch marks, and I LOVE it (I have never liked lotion, and I’ve only ever worn face moisturizer my whole life. This stuff has no smell and dries quickly. Best lotion ever, even for a non lotion lover.), my Snoogle pregnancy pillow (helps so much with my back when I’m trying to sleep), a heating pad (also for my back), comfy clothes, Nexium to prevent nausea, What to Expect When You're Expecting
Purchases for baby: I have a page on my blog under Shop My Favorites called Favorite Baby Items, and that is where I’m sharing the things we have purchased and received so far for our baby! We purchased this Rock and Play, this Mamaroo swing, and this Pack and Play when they were on sale last month. I also got some baby hangers and picked up a little hooded towel at Home Goods! I got these bins for our 8 cube storage organizer that is in the baby’s closet. We also purchased the baby’s crib, changing table, glider, and mattress during this Target baby deal that is still going on! We’re finally starting to knock some things off the list!
Weekly Fun
Week 26- All parts of my back started killing me this week. I’m typically fine when I’m up and moving around, but when I sit down for more than a few minutes or get in bed to go to sleep- ouch! I’ve been praising my Snoogle pregnancy pillow since the second I got it, but it wasn’t enough to fix this problem. Tylenol and an extra pillow under my back helped thankfully! We also received the sweetest gift- one of my friends sent a monogrammed blanket and Angel Dear bunny lovey with our baby’s name on it. It was the first time I had ever seen his actual name on anything, and it made me tear up. SO precious!
Week 27- My back is feeling better, and my food aversions have finally gone away this week! I cooked chicken at home for the first time since being pregnant, and I had a couple bites of Parker’s spicy seafood gumbo at Jason’s Deli! My bites included shrimp- woohooo! Seafood has always been my fav. I did not enjoy being repulsed by it. Nesting has become a serious thing. I worked so hard and finally finished completely cleaning all of my stuff out of my office turned baby’s room! The closet in that room used to be my dress and bag closet. There are officially no more dresses or bags. And the precious baby clothes have been hung! And we started putting together some baby items!
Week 28- We had our 3D/4D ultrasound this week! It was so neat to see a live view of our baby boy! The most amazing thing to me was being able to feel him move and see him move on the screen at the same time! The ultrasound tech kept trying to get him to move because his hands were in his face 90% of the time. Out of the 8 pictures we were given, his hands were covering his face in 6 of them. It was still such a neat experience to get to see his features more clearly than we ever had! My doctor suggested a heating pad for my back, and that has been life changing. We will now start going to the doctor every 2 weeks, so that made things seem pretty real.
I also had a scare at a blogger event I went to in Memphis. It’s a long story, and I shared all of the details in this blog post if you missed it. To sum things up- I hadn’t eaten enough, it was in the 90s, and I was on my feet for too long while carrying a baby around and almost fainted. But I made my way to the ground before actually fainting and was completely fine after about 10 minutes of being taken care of by some precious people! My doctor said it was most likely because of a dip in blood pressure, and my blood pressure is completely fine now!
My dress is from Anthropologie last year
Week 29- I finally bought some little bins to put the baby’s things in this week, and his closet looks so much more organized! I LOVE having designated places for all of his things. I know they will all be changed around as we get furniture for his room, but the organization process has brought me so much joy! I also did some less than fun tasks, like call the insurance company to see what types of breast pumps are covered, schedule our baby classes, and register at the hospital where our baby will be born. Parker and I also put together a couple more baby items, and I have thoroughly enjoyed doing this together. Some of the directions come with pictures only and no words. Parker’s college degree is in Building Science, but putting together baby items can actually be quite the challenge. And makes me laugh so hard. Rosie’s fear of these baby items is quite entertaining as well. I’m glad we already have them, so she can start getting used to the sounds and movements of some of these baby things!
My storage organizer is actually from Ikea, but this one from Walmart is exactly the same! And I got these storage bins to put in it!
Week 30- Considering week 30 started Tuesday, I don’t have much to report. We got our crib and changing table, and I cannot wait much longer for the weekend to get here so “we” can put them together! I somehow did not think about bedding… if anybody has any bedding suggestions, please let me know! We went to the doctor yesterday, and we both adore our doctor. There’s not much to report from the visit, and I think that is good news. We did get to listen to the baby’s heartbeat, and that is always such a neat experience. I also got my flu shot while we were there. We’ll go back again for our next appointment in 2 weeks and take our baby classes at the hospital in November!
Other Baby-Related Blog Posts:
Baby Goodman Coming Christmas 2018!
Thanks so much for reading!! Have a wonderful day!