Parker and I had our second visitors come stay with us in Southaven this weekend, and we had the very best time with them! I have always been an organized, plan ahead type of person, so I wanted to share some of the tips I used to prepare our home for guests.
1. Buy fresh flowers to add some happiness to your home!
2. Wash the sheets and towels your visitors will use in Glamorous Wash: Diva. BEST. SMELLING. DETERGENT. EVER. I know I have talked about this stuff several times, but I think everyone should try it at least once! It is amazing!
Another tip might be to close your guest bedroom door, so your dogs don't make themselves comfy in the guest bedroom bed before your visitors arrive. However, I obviously did not abide by that one.
3. Clean your house. I used this as a time to really deep clean. I don't clean the guest bedroom and bathroom as much as I clean the rest of the house because we rarely ever go in those rooms. So I made a checklist and made sure to get those rooms extra clean, in addition to cleaning the rest of the house.
4. Provide your guests with your Wifi username and password. I have a piece of paper with this info written on it located in a basket in the guest bedroom. In this day and age, everyone needs to know that info, and it is much more polite to have that info ready for your guests, instead of making them ask for it. It also makes it so much easier on you to have it ready for them, so that you don't have to search for the piece of paper that has all the weird numbers and letters written on it.
5. Have lots of snacks and drinks ready! I made my friend Prissy's snack mix and Cowboy Caviar the day before our visitors came. I popped some cookies in the oven the day they came, and Parker picked up a chicken nugget platter from Chickfila. When it's all sitting out for everybody, they can pick and choose what and when they want to eat. And then continue to snack on the leftovers throughout the day.
Our guests were Parker's sister, our 2 nieces, and a friend (who was sweet enough to take the photo below), and we could not have had a better time with them! If you invite people as amazing as this crew to your house, then you will have 0 work to do when they leave because they somehow leave the house cleaner than they found it.
Andddddd, you will end the weekend happy and exhausted due to the amount of fun that was had.
I know I am missing some tips. What are some things you do to prepare your home for guests? Thanks so much for reading! Have a great Monday!